touch (directory name/directory name)/(file name) : Creating file.

morty@c137:~$ touch newdir/subdir/testfile
morty@c137:~$ ls newdir/subdir

touch file name{1..10} : Creating files how much we want in current directory.

morty@c137:~/newdir/subdir$ touch testfile{1..5}
morty@c137:~/newdir/subdir$ ls
testfile1  testfile2  testfile3  testfile4  testfile5

rm (directory name/directory name)/(file name) : Removing file.

rm -i (directory name/directory name)/(file name) : Request permission before remove the that time we should command y

morty@c137:~$ rm -i newdir/subdir/testfile
rm: remove regular empty file 'newdir/subdir/testfile'? y
morty@c137:~$ ls newdir/subdir

rm -i * : Removing all files from the current directory, but ask for the permission one by one.

morty@c137:~/newdir/subdir$ rm -i *
rm: remove regular empty file 'testfile1'? y
rm: remove regular empty file 'testfile2'? y
rm: remove regular empty file 'testfile3'? y
rm: remove regular empty file 'testfile4'? y
rm: remove regular empty file 'testfile5'? y

mv rm -f * : Removing all files from the current directory without asking.

mv (directory or file name) (new location) : Moving file from current location to naming location.

mv (path to new location) (file or directory name) : Move back to previous place.

mv (path to new location) . : Move back to previous place.

/(new location) mv (directory or file name) ../ : Move back to previous place.

mv (directory name or file name) (new name) : Rename file.